- class[source]¶
A subclass of QAbstractTableModel. Model for table view of ROI names and colours in Spectrum Viewer window to allow user to select which ROIs to plot.
@param data: list of lists of ROI names and colours [str, tuple(int,int,int)]
- appendNewRow(roi_name: str, roi_colour: tuple)[source]¶
Append new row to table
@param roi_name: ROI name @param roi_colour: ROI colour
- columnCount(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Return number of columns in table
@return: number of columns in table
- data(index, role)[source]¶
Set data in table roi name and colour - str and Tuple(int,int,int) and set background colour of colour column
@param index: index of selected row @param role: Qt.DisplayRole or Qt.BackgroundRole @return: ROI name or colour values and background colour of colour column
- flags(index)[source]¶
Handle selection of table rows to disable selection of ROI colour column if index is equal to roi, item not editable
@param index: index of selected row @return: Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable
- headerData(section, orientation, role)[source]¶
Set horizontal colum header names to ROI and Colour
@param section: column number @param orientation: horizontal @param role: Qt.DisplayRole @return: ROI or Colour
- rename_row(row: int, new_name: str) None [source]¶
Rename selected row if new name does not already exist in table and is not default ‘roi’ ROI or duplicate
@param row: row number @param new_name: new ROI name @raise ValueError: if new name already exists or is default ‘roi’ ROI
- row_data(row: int) tuple [source]¶
Return data from selected row
@param row: row number @return: data from selected rows